Why Everyone Needs a Lifestyle Pod

Working from home seems like the dream, doesn’t it? No more being woken up early by your beeping alarm or being stuck in traffic or being crammed on public transport. The only problem is, how do you keep home and family life separate if it’s all happening under the same roof?
The perfect solution is here, and it’s called a Lifestyle Pod.
Building a Lifestyle Pod allows you to have the convenience and comfort of working from home while allowing the benefits of the space of a dedicated working area.
But a lifestyle pod isn’t just for those looking to work from home. They have a multitude of uses and can be a valuable addition to any home.
But first let’s answer the first question that’s on your mind…
What is a Lifestyle Pod?
Lifestyle pods are like a separate granny flat, but smaller and built for a specific purpose. They are similar to home studios and are often known as Home Office Pods or Live-able Pods.
People build lifestyle pods for a wide range of purposes including home offices, studios, gyms, music rooms, teenage retreats, man caves, game rooms, yoga rooms and many other reasons – really the only limit is your imagination!
Whatever the reason you want a lifestyle pod, Granny Flat Solutions have a wide range of options and the expertise to create the perfect design for you.
Why have a dedicated work area if I’m working from home?
Separating work and life is great way to make sure you get the most out of both. Having a dedicated time set aside for work helps you focus on the tasks you need to get done and leads to increased productivity.
Without a defined clock out time, tasks can start to stretch into the evening and the whole process can take longer to compete.
Let’s be honest, it’s not like when you get home you just sit around and do nothing. There are household chores, grocery shopping, dinner to make, kids to raise. Your home is full of distractions.
A Lifestyle Pod provides you with an area where you can focus on your work, while giving you the benefits of being close to home.
Better Work-Life Balance Can Help Improve Mental Health
Building a Lifestyle Pod and using it as a home office can be great for your mental and physical health. When we don’t have a good day-to-day balance between our work and home lives, it can lead to feelings of stress, fatigue and even depression.
Better good work life balance leads to:
- Greater focus and concentration.
- Higher levels of job satisfaction.
- The ability to participate in and appreciate family and social life.
- More time for personal goals and hobbies.
- Improved health, both mental and physical
Stress is normal from time to time, and can even be a great motivator, however, too much can have negative impacts on your health and relationships.
A dedicated home office space helps establish good routines and habits to help you be productive at work and truly enjoy the best moments of your private life.
What to consider when designing a Lifestyle Pod?
A good place to start when designing a Lifestyle Pod is asking yourself, ‘What is the purpose of this pod?’ You might have a very specific idea for the pod, like a home office or a studio to record music.
Maybe you’d like it to be more flexible, sometimes it’s a gaming room, but it’s also a place to chill out after a long week of work. Having an idea of what you’ll use the Lifestyle Pod means Granny Flay Solutions can tailor your design to suit your needs.
We will also carefully consider what works with your property without taking over your entire yard.
Other uses for your Lifestyle Pod
Home Studio
Remember what we were saying about needing a separate working place? The same applies to creative pursuits. Whether you’re recording some demos or have decided to get into the podcast game, you’ll need a space where you can record uninterrupted. Wouldn’t it be great to have somewhere for the band to rehearse before your next gig?
Perhaps you like to paint or want somewhere where you can sit down and finally finish that novel you’ve always wanted to write. Your Lifestyle Pod is the environment where you can express yourself and let your creativity run wild.
Anyone who’s ever tried to set up a home gym knows how much space it can take up. Eventually, you find you’ve set up your treadmill in the corner of the living room and have your weights taking up room in the garage.
A lifestyle pod could be your dedicated area to keep you healthy and fit. No more waiting for the machines at gyms, plus you can play your own tunes.
Want somewhere where you can watch the footy with mates without annoying the rest of the household with your cheering? Got teenagers and want somewhere for them to hang out with friends? Maybe you’ve always wanted a games room with a pool table but just never had the space.
Your lifestyle pod will become the talking point of every gathering, with more than one of your visitors leaving with ideas of getting their own.
Can I Have a Lifestyle Pod/Studio and a Granny Flat on my property?
A Granny Flat is considered a ‘second dwelling’ and you’re only allowed one second dwelling on your property. However, as long as your Lifestyle Pod or Studio are classified as an ‘uninhabitable dwelling’, you can have both a Lifestyle Pod and a Granny Flat.
An uninhabitable dwelling can include a bathroom and bedroom (strictly for occasional use, such as a guest), but not a laundry or kitchen.
Basically, someone cannot permanently live in an uninhabitable dwelling, and you definitely cannot rent it out without getting into hot water.
This means, along with your house or ‘primary dwelling’, you could potentially have three dwellings on your property.
You must have a primary dwelling that’s established and approved before you can go ahead and build a secondary dwelling or uninhabitable dwelling.
Ready to Get Started?
Not sure what you can and can’t build? professional team know all the ins and outs when it comes to regulations and building lifestyle pods.
Want to get started building your lifestyle pod or just want to learn more?
At Granny Flat Solutions, the entire team is here to help you through the whole process, step by step. With our professional service and award winning designs, we can guide you every step of the way and deliver a finished product that you’ll be proud of.
Call (02) 9481 7443 or get in touch today!
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