Is it Time to Create Your Own Work from Home Studio?

Since the pandemic hit, working at home has become the new norm in Australia and around the world, with more people than ever taking this option. But while working at home seems like the dream to anyone who’s had to deal with peak hour traffic, it provides its own set of hurdles in terms of distractions and blurring the line between your career and home life.
Let’s have a look at ways you can create a workplace at your home, where you can find the perfect balance between being productive at work and seizing every moment of your personal life. Granny Flat Solutions have a variety of home office options, whether it’s a lifestyle pod or a home studio, so why not get in touch and chat with one of our expert team.
Why do I need a separate workspace?
Research shows time and again that a change of environment equals a change in mindset. Human beings are creatures of habit and being aware of this can be used to your advantage when it comes to creating a separate workspace at home. An area that you associate with your work will help you get into the right frame of mind to complete all your daily tasks.
Let’s go through the benefits of having your own separate workplace at home.
Improved productivity
Working in the living room or on the couch puts you right in the middle of the hive of distractions that is your home, which is the perfect recipe for not getting much done. Having a quiet area that exists solely for your work means you can block out any distractions and focus on what needs to be done.
Save on overheads costs
Renting or buying a commercial office space isn’t cheap, so why not spend that money on a home office? Walking to the office in your backyard saves on travel costs as well. We also recommend having a chat with your accountant, because your home office may just be tax deductible.
Creating your own home office provides you the freedom and flexibility to create the perfect work area for you. You know what puts you in the zone and what your big distractions are. With Granny Flat Solutions on your side, you can create the perfect home office tailored for you.
Close to Loved Ones
Sure, they can be distracting, but working at home means you’re close by should you be needed. Plus, that time, you save from not having the daily commute can be spent on the most important things in life.
Things To Consider When Setting Up a Home Office
Create the workplace that suits you
When designing your new home office, really consider your career and the daily tasks you’ll need to do. Odds are, you’ll be spending a lot of time here, so even the smallest detail can make a difference.
A few design factors to consider:
- Do you need lots of space to layout plans or designs?
- Do need room for filing cabinets? Maybe a photocopier?
- Do you need room just for a laptop, or are there a variety of technology and devices you need?
- Are you on the phone a lot, or need to conduct zoom meetings?
- Will you have clients and colleagues visiting this office? If so, how many and what’s the best way to accommodate them?
- Are there any safety requirements you’ll need your new workplace to meet?
If you’re building a new home office, studio or workplace, you should consider all your wants and needs so you can design the perfect environment for you.
Create a comfortable working environment
Just because you’re creating a workplace, doesn’t mean it needs to be drab and depressing. Quite the opposite. Your workplace should be somewhere inviting, that makes you feel comfortable. Think of decor and colours that put you in a good frame of mind.
Design your work space in a way that makes the most of natural light and regular temperature changes. Chances are you’ll be spending a lot of time here, so really try to create a work area you love to be in. Something as simple as your choice of paint colour could make a real difference to your mood.
You’ll also need to look after yourself physically. Ergonomic furniture, along with regular breaks for stretches will help you avoid injuries to your back and neck.
Treat your workplace like a workplace
So, you’re all set up with the perfect workplace for you to kick all your goals. But how can you make sure that the rest of your home life doesn’t sneak in and start taking over?
5 tips to keep your work and home life balance in check:
- Use your workplace for work only. While it might be tempting to use your new room for hobbies and other activities, try avoiding this temptation. Whenever you want to do a non-work-related activity, do it somewhere else in the house. This will help hardwire your brain to associate your new room with work and shut off when you leave your workplace.
- Spend your breaks outside the office. Why not make the most of your break and have your lunch in the kitchen or take a stroll up the road, giving you a chance to recharge your batteries?
- Don’t bring your work into other rooms. If possible, whenever you need to make a work call or add a last-minute change to that report, do it in your workplace.
- If you live with others, have a talk to them about the purpose of your new workplace. Explain to them that when you’re in your home office, you are at work and might be busy if they come to see you.
- Try having a consistent schedule. Ever heard that you should have a regular bedtime to get the best sleep? The same can be true when it comes your work schedule. Having a regular start and finish time, even though you’re at home, can help you stay on task and be productive. Naturally, there will be times where you need to work irregular hours but try make this the exception, not the norm.
Curious to learn more?
Have some questions or just want to learn more? At Granny Flat Solutions, the entire team is here to help you through the whole process, step by step. We can guide you through the entire process, from design to finished product.
If you have any questions or want to get started on building your home office, call (02) 9481 7443 or get in touch today!
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